33 weeks pregnant: what can I expect? Your baby’s jabs and kicks may be more forceful in the third trimester. As you are nearing your…
32 weeks pregnant: what can I expect? If this is your first pregnancy you will be excited about being a first time mum. You will…
31 weeks pregnant: what can I expect? You might feel like you have been in a rut since your pregnancy started. Change in social life,…
30 weeks pregnant: what can I expect? Your baby will be growing a lot more during these final stages. The extra weight may cause your…
29 weeks pregnant: what can I expect? Continue doing your pelvic exercise this week. Pelvic exercises during your pregnancy can provide positive results such as…
28 weeks pregnant: what can I expect? You are reaching the final trimester of your pregnancy. Feeling clumsy is a normal part of pregnancy and…
27 weeks pregnant: what can I expect? There are a lot of factors that will determine how much weight you will gain during your pregnancy.…
26 weeks pregnant: what can I expect? Every week your pregnancy progresses, your chances of delivering a normal healthy baby increase. In the beginning your…
25 weeks pregnant: what can I expect? At 25 weeks you are almost six months pregnant. You only have couple of weeks to go before…