Eggs are a very useful product that contains proteins, necessary for the body. The question arises: At what age and which eggs to give to babies? Despite their usefulness, eggs,…
Introduction of dairy products into the diet of babies under one year old still remains a subject of debate. The opinion, which was common among pediatricians a couple of decades ago,…
Should I give cow’s milk to my baby under one year? To answer this question numerous studies have been conducted in many countries. Here are the results: The chemical composition…
Mashed avocado is recommended as the first solid food for infants in the UK. This fruit has a pleasant nut-oil taste, it is very nutritious and does not cause allergies. Avocado consistence…
The rules of solid food introduction into your baby’s diet are not difficult. The most important thing is to understand them and to find the right time for solid…
Some new mothers begin to worry immediately after childbirth — the baby is already born, but there are no breast milk fountains! OMG! What will…
One of the benefits of breastfeeding is the sterility of mom’s milk. However, even in this valuable product there may be one of the most dangerous microorganisms — Staphylococcus. In reality Staphylococcus is everywhere: in the…
Banana puree is very useful for babies, as it contains a lot of potassium, vitamins, and fiber. Today, we often think of bananas as of the first complementary food for infants. They are cheap, we can…
For proper growth, your baby’s body needs proteins. They help body cells divide and provide energy metabolism. Proteins are building blocks for body cells. Meat…