Pubic articulation, which is popularly known as pubis, is called symphysis in medicine. Normally it is fixed, but in certain circumstances it may swell and become mobile, which is already a pathology called pubic symphysitis. Pubic…
Abdominal pain in early pregnancy is quite a common phenomenon. The causes of this unpleasant pain can be very different. Some of them are harmless. Others are a serious threat to your pregnancy.…
Few people know that acetone is always present in the human body. Acetone belongs to the group of ketones, which are formed as a result of fat and protein metabolism. Acetone does…
A missed abortion refers to a complex of symptoms including intrauterine fetal death, pathological myometrium inertness and hemostasis disorders. Other synonyms for a missed abortion are a missed miscarriage and an early fetal…
Currently, more and more women give birth after 35, and even after 40 years. According to statistics, nowadays women get pregnant after 35 three times more…
In normal child-bearing the placenta is usually near the top of your uterus or closer to the back wall. Such a location on the top and back walls protects it from accidental injury.…
Late toxemia, preeclampsia or gestosis is a pregnancy complication, leading to the breakdown of the vital systems. It begins in the second half of pregnancy and progresses until delivery. Sometimes preeclampsia is also defined as a severe form…
Cramps are very unpleasant, but many women suffer from leg cramps during pregnancy. However, you should know that frequent cramps are not a normal body condition. It is…
Toxemia of pregnancy or early preeclampsia is a common pathology occurring in the first trimester of pregnancy (before 12 weeks) due to neuroendocrine disorders in pregnant women. Today there are many theories explaining the…