Can I determine ectopic pregnancy?

determine ectopic pregnancy

If a woman’s fertilized egg has attached in the ovary, abdominal cavity, fallopian tubes or elsewhere, but not in the uterus where it actually should develop, such a pregnancy is abnormal and is called ectopic.…

Ultrasound schedule during pregnancy

Ultrasound schedule during pregnancy

There are no rigid rules on the number of ultrasounds during pregnancy. Additional scanning must be done if there is a suspicion that a fetus has some abnormalities. Ultrasonography is recognized as the safest and most…

Ultrasounds in pregnancy. Risks and benefits

Ultrasounds in pregnancy baby

Sonography or Ultrasound Examination — is a diagnostic technique. It is generally used in all branches of medicine, including obstetrics. Ultrasound is the most secure and cost-effective method for diagnosing pregnancy and identification of various…

5 Signs of Hip Dysplasia in Babies

5 Signs of Hip Dysplasia in Babies

Hip dysplasia in newborns is the pathology of musculoskeletal system development, which forms in utero. It is underdevelopment of some structures and elements of a hip joint. This disorder usually means muscle weakness and excessive…