Physiologic jaundice in newborns

Physiologic jaundice in newborns

Physiologic jaundice in newborns manifests itself by yellow staining of the skin and mucous membranes. Especially noticeable are the yellow occurrences on the eye sclera. Physiologic jaundice occurs in 60%…

Neonatal asphyxia

Neonatal asphyxia

Within 9 months, parents are looking forward to the birth of a little miracle. Future mom and dad are experiencing diverse feelings during this time: joy, happiness and…

Homebirth with a midwife

Homebirth with a midwife tumb

Home births with a midwife are becoming increasingly popular. Such home births occur outside hospital, most often at home. Homebirth is usually held by a specially trained midwife (less frequently…

Early toxemia in pregnancy

Early toxemia in pregnancy

Toxemia of pregnancy or early preeclampsia is a common pathology occurring in the first trimester of pregnancy (before 12 weeks) due to neuroendocrine disorders in pregnant women. Today there are many theories explaining the…

Male Infertility: Forms and Reasons

According to statistics, every tenth married couple is infertile, i.e. not able to conceive without the help of medicine. It should be noted that women diseases cause infertility in only 40% of couples…