It is generally thought that home birth can be extremely dangerous. This idea is popular because today we consider childbirth a surgical procedure, though it is a natural process. Only a decade ago, we considered…
Expectant mothers have many non-medical methods of pain control during natural childbirth. The idea that natural childbirth is a painful process is incredibly stable. Only a few women believe it might be otherwise. Most…
If a pregnant woman is attentive to her body signals, she will not miss early signs of labor and will be ready to meet with her beloved baby. In the last weeks of pregnancy, there is a smooth…
Within 9 months, parents are looking forward to the birth of a little miracle. Future mom and dad are experiencing diverse feelings during this time: joy, happiness and…
Educational classes for pregnant women are a very important stage in the life of any expectant mother. Some women are not interested in what happens to their bodies during pregnancy.…
Home births with a midwife are becoming increasingly popular. Such home births occur outside hospital, most often at home. Homebirth is usually held by a specially trained midwife (less frequently…
There is a wide variety of water birth pools, ranging from simple, inexpensive baby portable pools, to large, built-in Jacuzzi. Water birth pools and baths in hospitals and maternity centers…