Online childbirth education classes. Pros and cons. How to choose
Educational classes for pregnant women are a very important stage in the life of any expectant mother. Some women are not interested in what happens to their bodies during pregnancy. Others rely on the knowledge, obtained from untrustworthy Internet sources, or on friends’ advice. This is wrong, because only a specialist can make recommendations, which will not hurt you and your baby.
Childbirth education classes for pregnant women should be conducted by people with appropriate education — medical, psychological, etc., depending on the purpose of the classes. Otherwise, there is a risk of being cheated. The best time to begin your education is before conception, while you are planning pregnancy.
In this article, we will speak only about online childbirth education classes.
Online childbirth courses can be real-time, when you can see the coach speaking and you can ask him questions, or in video-form.
Pros and cons of online childbirth education classes
Childbirth classes online will help:
- women, who for medical reasons must limit their activity;
- women, who love solitude;
- moms, who have no time or opportunity to attend real classes.
Thanks to online childbirth education classes, one is able to:
- save time: there is no need to go anywhere, you can participate in learning process staying at home;
- get sufficient and profound knowledge on the selected topic.
Despite the positive aspects of online childbirth education classes, do not forget that if you chose online childbirth courses in video-form:
- you will not be able to clarify points that are unclear;
- the instructor won’t be able to evaluate the accuracy of exercises, for example breathing exercises, done by the woman;
- your online training coach won’t stop you if you overdo:
- the most serious drawback of online childbirth education classes is that you may not know who conducts them — a specialist or a charlatan.
Real-time online childbirth education classes or consultations are much better.
Having chosen online childbirth education classes, you won’t be able to to make new acquaintances, who are now concerned about the same issues and problems. Besides, «real» collective exercises help not to be lazy, to focus on the positive wave;
Why choose online childbirth education classes? How to choose online childbirth education classes?
You may ask me, why do I need online childbirth education classes? Today it’s enough to formulate my question to Google — and all the information will be at my service. OK, let’s think it over.
We can divide the information on childbirth into three types:
1) articles with tips, advice and expert opinion,
2) forums and blogs, where pregnant women discuss future delivery,
3) online courses for pregnant women: training videos, podcasts, etc.
Speaking about first two things we must admit, that most of these materials are written by people, who neither gave birth themselves, nor have medical education.
Today, on the Internet there are many pseudo-scientists, who write about their bizarre methods, labeling them as true and safe. Such information can be even dangerous to young expectant mothers.
Choosing online childbirth classes, it is also very important not to grasp at first pop ad. Read about different childbirth classes. Pay attention to the educational classes reviews, compare them — and only then make a decision. You will be able to ensure that your childbirth classes are conducted by a specialist.
Correctly selected online childbirth classes — this is the first step on the path to becoming a good mother to your baby. If you are not sure in your online childbirth classes, it is best to seek help from trusted professionals.
For money or free?
Оnline childbirth education classes can be paid or free. Free classes often offer only basic knowledge on the topic to get acquainted with. They analyze most possible problems and answer most frequently asked questions. Paid courses are more varied. They offer a more professional and profound approach to training. Let me emphasize that this is not always true — often free online childbirth classes for pregnant women appear to be very useful and efficient.
Probably, every modern expectant mother looked for free online childbirth education classes on the Internet. Unfortunately, it’s not so easy to find good free online courses for pregnant women, Basically, high-quality online childbirth education classes cost money, but everything has its price and you should be ready to pay for your courses, if you want to get really important information.